《 Transamazonia 》This film is a remarkable cross-national collaboration among Taiwan, France, Germany, Switzerland, and Brazil.
We are honored to have worked with director #PiaMarais, whose works have been featured in numerous international film festivals, and her talented team.
The story follows Rebecca, the daughter of a missionary, who miraculously survived a plane crash in the Amazon jungle during her childhood—an event that earned her the title of a "miracle child." Years later, Rebecca has become a renowned miracle healer, leveraging her fame to support their missionary work.
However, when illegal loggers invade the indigenous people’s lands, Rebecca and her father find themselves entangled in an escalating conflict. As events unfold, the hidden truths of their past come to light. Rebecca begins to question the beliefs she has upheld her entire life and embarks on a journey to explore whether unconditional love can truly exist.
《 亞馬遜迷走 》本片由台灣、法國、德國、瑞士及巴西跨國合作,有幸與導演 #PiaMARAIS琵雅馬雷 與團隊合作,曾以多部作品入圍國際影展,劇情講述一位傳教士的女兒麗貝卡,童年時在亞馬遜叢林的一次飛機失事中倖存,被稱為“奇蹟”。多年後,她成為了一位著名的奇蹟治療師,藉此名聲來支持他們的傳教使命。然而,當非法伐木者入侵土著人民的土地時,麗貝卡和她的父親被捲入一場不斷升級的衝突。這場衝突中,父女兩人的過去逐漸浮現,麗貝卡開始質疑她一生所信仰的內容,並探索無條件的愛是否真能實現。

Directed by :
Character Design & Visual Effects :
VFX Supervisor :
VFX Producer :
VFX Project Coodinator :
3D CG Team Leader :
Model, Texture & Lighting Artists :
Riggers :
Tracking & Match Move Artists :
Animation Leaders :
Animators :
3D FX Team Leader :
3D FX Artists :
2D VFX Team Leader :
2D VFX Artists :
瑟亞馬雷 Pia Marais
罡風創意映像有限公司 wwwind studio
嚴振欽 ArChin Yen
侯秀嬑 Hsiu Hou 陳彥君 Miya Chen
郭亦婷 Yi Ting Kuo
陳晏平 Yen Ping Chen
楊絜雯 Jie Wen Yang 劉筱薇 Liu xiao wei 江怡賢 Henry Chiang
江怡賢 Henry Chiang 楊絜雯 Jie Wen Yang 劉筱薇 Liu xiao wei
楊絜雯 Jie Wen Yang 劉筱薇 Liu xiao wei 謝宜芳 Xie Yi Fang
曾懷儒 Huai Ju Tseng 陳晏平 Yen Ping Chen
江怡賢 Henry Chiang 楊絜雯 Jie Wen Yang 劉筱薇 Liu xiao wei
曾懷儒 Huai Ju Tseng
黃緯誠 Wei Cheng Huang
楊舒宜 Shu I Yang
劉鎰柔 Yi Rou Liu 李兆鈞 Zhao Jun Li 賴詩珽 Leslie Lai
曹庭甄 Ting Chen Tsao 廖浩廷 Hao Ting Liao 李柏權 Hiroshi Li
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