不夠善良的我們 Imperfect Us
Concept Design
" Imperfect Us " title sequence
The title sequence for "Imperfect Us", designed in a dual effort by Wwwind Studio and YAGA.Studio, features a stark and slightly dark visual style that unveils the complexities of human nature and inner struggles. The sequence uses delicate color contrasts and swirling rose petals to create a mysterious atmosphere, drawing the audience into a morally ambiguous world. The entirely 3D-rendered scenes are interspersed with fragmented memories and symbolic imagery, hinting at the characters' inner conflicts and the intricate plot that is about to unfold. The overall visual design is both captivating and perfectly aligned with the show's theme, offering viewers a powerful blend of visual and psychological impact.
片頭視覺包裝設計這次罡風與 YAGA.Studio 雙重出擊 ,《不夠善良的我們》片頭以冷峻、略帶暗黑的視覺風格,揭示人性多面與內心掙扎。片頭透過細膩的色彩對比和紛飛玫瑰花瓣圖像,營造出神秘的氛圍,引領觀眾進入一個道德模糊的世界。全3D製作場景加上動態設計中夾雜著細碎的回憶片段和象徵性的符號,暗示著劇中角色的內心矛盾與故事即將展開的複雜情節。整體視覺風格既引人入勝,又與影集主題相得益彰,為觀眾帶來一場視覺與心理的雙重衝擊。
Bad education film end credits concept design
Directed by :
Character Design & Visual Effects :
Title Art director :
Storyboard :
3D Artist :
3D FX Artist :
Project manager :
3D Animation :
Composition :
3D FX Artist :
Edit :
徐譽庭 Mag Hsu
罡風創意映像有限公司 wwwind studio
桔子 Mugi Yeh
桔子 Mugi Yeh
張雅惠 Yafay 游家廳 Garting
楊雅婷 Azure
游家廳 Garting
張雅惠 Yafay
曾懷儒 Huai Ju Tseng
張雅惠 Yafay 桔子 Mugi Yeh