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About Youth

Liking someone might come with a hundred reasons—or none at all. When Shi-Jun starts noticing an unremarkable junior, his sharp-eyed senior, Ming-Ling, immediately picks up on their interactions. Sensing an opportunity, she bets with Shi-Jun that he can make the clueless rookie fall for him without her even realizing it.

Meanwhile, Xiu-Nan, who has always been by Shi-Jun’s side, believes no one is worthy of him—including Man-Xian, the girl who spends all day chatting with him. The bet is on, but will this naïve first love turn into a harsh coming-of-age lesson? Can Shi-Jun escape the "love" trap he set for himself?


喜歡一個人可能有100個原因,也可能連1個理由都沒有。當詩俊開始注意到這個不起眼的學妹時,明玲學姊眼明立即觀察到他倆互動,於是跟詩俊打賭能否讓菜鳥學妹不知不覺的掏心喜歡上他!另一方面,秀男總是守護在詩俊身邊,認為沒有人可以配得上詩俊,包括跟他整天混在一起談天的曼仙。賭注已經開始,菜鳥傻呼呼的初戀,是否變成殘酷的成人禮? 詩俊能逃出自己下的”喜歡“賭注嗎?



Directed by : 
Character Design & Visual Effects : 
VFX Supervisor : 
On-Set VFX Supervisor : 
Project Manager : 

2D Generalists : 
3D Generalists : 


王郁惠 Yu-Hui Wang

罡風創意映像有限公司 wwwind studio
嚴振欽 ArChin Yen 
蔡承錕 Quint Tsai
陳煜昇 Yu Sheng Chen
陳煜昇 Yu Sheng Chen  陳姵均 Hulk Chen  林琬庭 Tiffany Lin
蔡承錕 Quint Tsai  陳晏平 Yen Ping Chen  張凱筑 Annika Chang


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