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See You


✨— My Youth is You —✨
Thank you for accompanying me in silence, speaking the language of youth.
When I miss you, will I still be able to find you?


《 See You 》— Winner of the 43rd Excellent Screenplay Award.
Crafted by the legendary Liao Ching-Sung and emerging director You Han-Ting, this film weaves a whimsical and heartwarming "ghost" story with the intricate design of sign language. It promises to deliver a fresh, unique experience to the audience.
Delicately portraying the confusion and dreams of youth we’ve all been through, it revives the innocence of pure love and nostalgic moments of growing up. This time, the team has sprinkled a touch of 💫 visual magic into the film, making it even more captivating.

Pure love warriors, let’s head to the cinema and relive the essence of youthful love! 🎬


✨—我的青春 就是你—✨ 
謝謝你以青春、無聲的語言陪伴 當我想你時,還能找到你嗎?

《#為我辦一場西式的喪禮》榮獲第 43 屆優良電影劇本首獎,金獎大師廖慶松聯手新銳導演游翰庭共同打造,將詼諧有趣的「鬼」故事加入手語的設計,期待帶給觀眾耳目一新的感受,細細刻劃每個人都經歷過的迷惘青春,喚起過去的純愛歲月,團隊這次在電影裡加了一點點的『💫 視效魔法 』,純愛戰士們出發看電影吧!




Directed by : 
Character Design & Visual Effects : 
VFX Supervisor : 
VFX Producer : 
VFX Project Coodinator : 
3D CG Team Leader : 
Tracking & Match Move Artist : 
Animators : 
3D FX Team Leader : 
3D FX Artists : 

2D VFX Team Leader : 

2D VFX Artists  : 


游翰庭 Yu Han-Tin

罡風創意映像有限公司 wwwind studio
​嚴振欽 ArChin Yen 
侯秀嬑 Hsiu Hou  黃俊瑋 Jacky Huang  陳彥君 Miya Chen
郭亦婷 Yi Ting Kuo  賴紀云 Amy Lai

陳晏平 Yen Ping Chen
林璟鴻 Michael Lin
江怡賢 Henry Chiang
曾懷儒 Huai Ju Tseng
林昉儀 Fang Yi Lin
​嚴振欽 ArChin Yen  曾彥偉 Wayne Tseng
黃欣儀 Hsin Yi Huang  蕭于翔 Sam Siao  彭詩貽 Shih Yi Peng  周孟澤 Meng Tse Chou


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