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The film《Terrorizers》mainly depicts the story of six seemingly unrelated but mutually influential teenagers who are finally involved in a random slaying case, and will explore the living environment of Generation Z through the tasks and concepts given behind the six characters of love, desire, and crime packaging.



VFX Animation



Directed by : 
Character Design & Visual Effects : 
VFX Supervisor : 
VFX Producer : 
VFX Project Coodinator : 
Video Game UI Design : 
2D VFX  & Roto Artists : 
VFX Supervisor Support : 
3D Team Lead : 
Modelers : 
Animator : 
Texture & Lighting Artist : 
Compositing Supervisors : 
Compositors : 

Visual Effects Cooperation : 

何蔚庭 Wi ding Ho 胡至欣 Chih hsin Hu

罡風創意映像有限公司 wwwind studio
嚴振欽 ArChin Yen 
陳彥君 Miya Chen  
馮靖雯 Jing Wun Feng

葉庭妤 Ting Yu Yeh
李芊吟 Qian Yin Li 余采霈 Tsai Pei Yu
童譯白 White Tung
鄭詠倫 Terence Cheng
陳煜豪 Yu Hao Chen
竇詠恩 Yung En Tou 應佩穎 Ying-Pei Ying
胡雅婷 Ya-Ting Hu(白鹿動畫)
嚴振欽 ArChin Yen
李芊吟 Qian Yin Li 余采霈 Tsai Pei Yu 
白鹿動畫有限公司 WhiteDeer Animation LTD

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