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The Outsiders

In the film version of《The Outsiders》, a lot of effort was put into the production layer techniques to make the picture presentation impressive for a Taiwanese film production.

The use of multiple cameras in the film as well as the fight and chase scenes allow the audience to immerse themselves in the scene. The special angle of view through the building is also one of the highlights of the visual effects this time, as if to recreate the era of the vintage period, the return of the classic, youth without regret.




VFX Animation



Directed by : 
Character Design & Visual Effects : 
VFX Supervisor : 
Head of production : 
VFX Producer : 
On-Set VFX Supervisor : 
CG Scene Design : 
Modeler : 

Lead Tracking Artist : 

Texture & Lighting Artist : 
Matte Painter : 
Animator : 
2D VFX Artists & Compositer : 

Cooperation : 
CG Supervisor : 
Production manager : 
Compositer : 
Cooperation : 
CG Supervisor : 
Post-Production Manager : 
CG Asset Artists : 
CG FX Artists : 
Compositer : 
Assistant Compositer : 

柯翰辰 Han Chen Ke 胡寧遠 Ning Yuen Woo

罡風創意映像有限公司 wwwind studio
嚴振欽 ArChin Yen 
蔡承錕 Quint Tsai
陳煜昇 Peter Chen
蔡承錕 Quint Tsai
陳晏平 Yen Ping Chen 吳柔謙 Rou Qian Wu 張凱茿 Annika Chang

陳晏平 Yen Ping Chen 吳柔謙 Rou Qian Wu 張凱茿 Annika Chang
黃聖芬 Debby Huang 陳儀薇 Yi Wei Chen 林哲孝 Tommy Lin 詹富麟 Fu Lin Jhan
蔡承錕 Quint Tsai 吳柔謙 Rou Qian Wu 陳儀薇 Yi Wei Chen
陳晏平 Yen Ping Chen 張凱茿 Annika Chang 
蔡承錕 Quint Tsai 陳晏平 Yen Ping Chen 吳柔謙 Rou Qian Wu 詹富麟 Fu Lin Jhan    
徐齊澤 ULA Hsu 吳柔謙 Rou Qian Wu
蔡承錕 Quint Tsai 詹富麟 Fu Lin Jhan 吳柔謙 Rou Qian Wu 張凱茿 Annika Chang 
蔡承錕 Quint Tsai  徐偉倫 Wei Lun Hsu 陳姵均 Hulk Chen  
侯秀嬑 Hsiu Hou 李彥儒 Bruce Lee 陳芊穎 XONEX
蔡明勳 Benson Tsai
楊思傑 Paul Yang
朱蔓舒 Man Su Chu 柯博剛 Alan ko 莊佳榮 Chuang Chia Jung 許家薰 Rony Hsu 
白鹿動畫有限公司 White Deer Studio

童譯白 White Tung
林冠伯 Kuan Po Lin
徐家鴻 Jia Hong Syu 蔡峻富 Jiun Fu Tsai
王鈞瑋 Chun Wei Wang
陳文農 Wen Nung Chen 謝佳峻 Chia Chun Hsieh 蕭一慧 Yi Huei Siao 林冠伯 Kuan Po Lin      
吳律緯 Lu Wei Wu 藍玉貞 Yu Zhen Lan       

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