Bad Education
"Do you know what percentage of good people there are in this society? What percentage of bad people are there?"
《 Bad Education 》is about three teenage delinquents, fresh out of high school, who share their darkest thoughts on a rooftop in the middle of the night, disturbing people's dreams, and embarking on a brutal night of madness and humanity.
Wwwind studio with first-time director Kai Ko collaborated on《 Bad Education 》, including the opening and closing credits, and the finger-breaking special effects are realistic, and the connection between joints and flesh is well handled.
這次罡風與首次當導演的柯震東合作 《黑的教育》,這次包含片頭片尾包裝,並在斷指特效部分呈現十足的擬真感,關節與肉的連結也處理得恰到好處,迷幻的手指特效更是這次亮點為劇情張力加分,讓整部詭譎刺激緊張的氛圍更為突出。
Title Animation

VFX Animation


Directed by :
Character Design & Visual Effects :
VFX Supervisor :
On-set VFX Supervisor :
On-Set VFX Assistant :
VFX Producer :
VFX Project Coodinator :
Title Design :
Motion Design :
End Credit Illustration Design :
CG Team Leader :
Model, Texture & Lighting Artists :
Tracking & Match Move Artists :
Animator :
3D FX Team Leader :
3D FX Artist :
Compositing Supervisors :
2D VFX & Roto Artists :
Compositors :
3D Scan :
柯震東 Kai Ko
罡風創意映像有限公司 wwwind studio
嚴振欽 ArChin Yen
嚴振欽 ArChin Yen
陳晏平 Yen Ping Chen
陳彥君 Miya Chen
許靖聆 Jing Ling Hsu 陳東輝 Danieo Chen 高珮瑜 Raye Kao
葉庭妤 Mugi Orange
葉庭妤Ting Yu Yeh 鐘元真 Yuan Zhen Chung
黃亮鈞 Liang Chun Huang 葉庭妤 Mugi Orange
陳晏平 Yen Ping Chen
曾彥偉 Wayne Tseng 賴冠穎 Chris Lai 陳律言 Lu Yen Chen
林璟鴻 Michael Lin 陳律言 Lu Yen Chen 廖顯杰 Xian Jie Liao
陳煜騰 Barney Chen 賴伯隆 Larry Lai
江怡賢 Henry Chiang
曾懷儒Huai Ju Tseng
黃緯誠 Wei Cheng Huang
嚴振欽 ArChin Yen 李亮緯 Evson Lee
李亮緯 Evson Lee 李芊吟Qian Yin Li 余采霈Tsai Pei Yu
鐘元真 Yuan Zhen Chung 黃俊瑋 Jacky Huang 廖顯杰 Xian Jie Liao
蕭于翔 Sam Siao 蕭于翔 Sam Siao 陳妮余 Ni Yu Chen
黃欣儀 Hsin Yi Huang 劉鎰柔 Yi Rou Liu
起點設計 KidenDesign
許維家 Will Hsu 許廷瑜 Tim Hsu 蔡瑞蓉 Rose Tsai